System requirement
Internet connection
The ECA Semiconductor database include the technical data of more than 1.Million different components like transistors, diodes, FETs, IGBTs, thyristors and ICs.
All components are separated in different databases and allow to search and query for technical values, package forms, type designations and general functions.
Additional you can find a Marking code or SMD code database on the ECA Server to make it easy to identify the smd package form marking.
Than you can find a Semiconductor manufacturer overview and special manufacturer marking sign page.
The various semiconductor package forms are also searchable stored in a database.
Each registered user of a ECA DVD has access to the respective database for 1 year.
Beyond you can order a pure Online account, available from 20 Euro per year on. Also you can order a special VRT-DVD online for 40 Euro per year, equal to 3,33 Euro per month or 0,10 Euro per day.
Here is the direct order link for this offer. ORDER NOW
We also offer a free search service in case you can not find something, all inquiries will be answered on our forums.
If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement–> Contact
P.S. Even if you are looking for a supplier for parts, please use our semiconductor supplier search script which allows to locate in the online shop of various semiconductor suppliers at the same time.