The vrt comparison table volume 1 A…Z
Equivalent Reference Tables for transistors, diodes, thyristors and ICs vrt 1.
Volume 2 includes all numeric types from 0…µ, we recommend to buy both volumes.
This book series covers more than 180,000 types with more than 220,000 equivalent types.
vrt volume 1 A…Z
Edition 2010/2011, 1496 pages.
split into 2 books
vrt1a A to L 748 pages
vrt1b M to Z 748 pages
Size 16,5x24cm
ISBN 978-3-937469-37-9
Order-No. 34-10
Please notice that we will not print new books, but you can find all entries with an expanded and updated database in the online database and in the software vrt-dvd.
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